Kids Write

6th Grade Poem

The Black Stallion

A Black Stallion

beautiful in each in every way.

Always carefree till it’s time

to hide away.

Always full of energy till it’s time

to hit the hay.

So Majestic

it makes you want to play.

The black Stallion

will always win the day.

S. 6th Grade


Third Grade Writers

Recent letters to pen pals gives us these excerpts from the 3rd Grade of Gaston Grade School.

I enjoyed your letter. I’m lucky that my house is not a monster because it would eat my mom and dad and that would be scary.

And we are teaching Razer my dog not to bite.

What do you want for Christmas. I want a desk that is a bed and a deskbed. That is what it is called. I also want a spiny chair. I want that because I could do my homework on my desk and I can plug my computer in and do schoolwork at my desk.

Merry Christmas

F. 3rd Grade


There was a very interesting word that caught the attention of many people in the class recently, can you decipher the word?


Unknown. 3rd Grade

(The interesting spelling is the word “questions”!


Gaston Young Writers

As the students prepare for the winter holiday break from school, the second grade class at Gaston sent out letters to The Writers In The Grove. Here are a few excerpts;

I am 8 years old. My favorite color is blue. My favorite animals are lions and dogs
Do you have a dog? I have 2 dogs. One is fluffy and the other one is big.
Do you have a garden? Do you have a farm. We did have a garden.
Love C. 2nd Grade

I am 7 years old. How are you doing at your place?
What kind of animals do you have? I hope you have a good day. We have a new student. It is fun at school.
Sincerely J. 2nd Grade

I like to wach(sp) the magic school bus. I learned a bout Galpgos(sp) tortoises. They are slow and big.
It my bithday(sp) is on December 28th. It is always fun.
Do you have a dog or cat.
Have you gone to the zoo. I love the engines.
I also like the alligators.
Sincerely C. 2nd Grade


Pen Pal Project

With the pen pal project matching up Writers in the Grove to Gaston Grade School letters are flying back and forth.

This weeks excerpts are from the 3rd Grade.

My dogs can swim in my pool. They doggy paddle. It is cute.

I saw a bear in a river when I was at camp with it’s little baby.

It’s been icy here. It looks like glass. It hurts when it hits me.

D. 3rd Grade


Can you tell me more about your favorite things? I like to plant flowers.

In school we are learning about 2 Step math problems and weather. I love what you wrote me about your farm. I hope that you will write back.

T. 3rd Grade


I like to cook pizza, corn, chicken, fish, steak and cake.

Do you have a pig? I always wanted a pet pig. Maybe they will roll over in the mud.

A. 3rd Grade


I have seen a baby cow but not when they’re first born. My Aunt owns a farm. She has a cow, lamas, dogs, chickens, horses, goats, turtles a parrot and pigs! I love riding horses too.

One time I found a baby bunny when I was at Cannon Beach! It was too little because all it’s brothers and sisters pushed him out. So we took him home. We fed him lots of food and played with him. Then we had to take him back when the weekend passed. It was sad and happy because he got to go home with his family. We got to see his dad and mom again.

M. 3rd Grade


I’m going to tell you a joke.

Q. Why is 6 afraid of 7?

(This next line was written upside down on the bottom of the page)

A. Because 7 8 9! (happy face emoji, happy face emoji)

A. 3rd Grade

Gaston 3rd Grade

It’s almost winter! It’s already pretty cold here. How cold is it there? Is it snowing? It’s not here.

Do you like hamburgers? If you do have you always liked them? I love hamburgers but I haven’t always like them. I used to hate them but on one Fourth of July I ate one and loved it.

P.S. The thing that made me love it was the cheese.



Writings From The Next Generation

The Writers In The Grove participants were given a chance to connect with kids from Gaston Grade School last year in Gaston, Oregon, a community next door to Forest Grove. A program was initiated by a parent to match up students with local writers for a chance for the next generation to practice writing with pen pals on a weekly basis.

Last year was a success with recognition in the local newspaper and a visit to the school from not only some of the pen pals but other professionals from the writing field. It was a fun and learning experience for the students as well as the adult writers.

This year, the students will have opportunities to see parts of their writing that they send to Writer’s In The Grove pen pals published in this category we call Kids Write.

Hailing from the 2nd Grade of Gaston Grade School, here are some excerpts;

C. writes:

I am 7 years old. I have one dog.

I have one cat. I like Pokemon.

T. writes:

I like playing with my friends and I play in the park. I hope you can tell me more about Samson.

D. writes:

My chores are making my bed and getting the dogs water. I also like to play Pokemon.

And a poem from A.:


Smart in your heart

Because you are smart

Stay tuned for more great material from our new Kids Write section and efforts.